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Changes come to Harris County District Clerk’s office as Marilyn Burgess prepares to take office!


On January 1, Harris County will welcome its new District Clerk, Marilyn Burgess. In advance of her swearing in, Burgess has built a strong transition team charged with creating a new model for the District Clerk’s office, focused on improving efficiencies and reprioritizing the budget. She has also announced three office appointments to date.

The transition team includes former Harris County District Clerk Loren Jackson, former Chief Deputies Wes McCoy and Ken Olive, former Director over the Criminal Bureau Margaret Wolfe, former IT Manager, Michael McDougal, and Attorney Judith A. Snively.

Burgess has also appointed three members of her transition team to the District Clerk’s office come January: Judith A. Snively as Chief Deputy over Courts, Wes McCoy as Chief Deputy over Administration, who will serve as Chief of Staff, and Ken Olive as Special Assistant – Legislative & External Affairs. “I’m excited about the improvements we are bringing to the office by building a team that combines institutional knowledge with fresh ideas from an attorney who has spent many years working with the District Clerk’s office, rather than in it.”

Judith A. Snively, Chief Deputy over Courts Judith A. Snively is a practicing lawyer with more than thirty years of experience in state and county courts. She offers a unique perspective on the functions of the Harris County District Clerk’s office due to her professional interactions with working clerks, judges and other legal practitioners, as well as the citizens of Harris County. “I am so pleased to have the opportunity to assist our new District Clerk, Marilyn Burgess, in restructuring the office to make it more efficient and fiscally responsible for Harris County,” Snively said.

Wes McCoy, Chief Deputy over Administration Wes McCoy brings over 40 years’ experience working as a Deputy District Clerk to Burgess’ transition team. He has served at almost every level of management within the District Clerk’s office, including as a Court Clerk. McCoy previously served as Chief Deputy for four District Clerks in Harris and Galveston Counties. “I am excited to serve in my new role as Chief Deputy of Administration with District Clerk–Elect, Marilyn Burgess, and look forward to what we will accomplish,” McCoy said.

Contact: Rosalind Davison Phone: 832-927-5769




P.O. Box 7235
Houston, TX 77248-7235

For matters related to the office of the Harris County District Clerk, please visit
District Clerk Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 4651
Houston, Texas 77210-4651

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Treasurer: Jennifer Bachand-Halvorson
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