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Your New District Clerk!


If you haven’t already heard the good news, I’m proud to announce I will be Harris County’s next District Clerk, and I can’t thank you enough!

When the election results started rolling in last night, I was extremely hopeful. I knew I had done everything I possibly could in the months leading up to the election to spread my message of restoring integrity and fiscal responsibility to the District Clerk’s Office. And then there was everything you did to support my campaign!

Together, we did some amazing work to turn Harris County blue. So on Election Day, I knew I could hold my head high, no matter the result.

All our hard work paid off in a tremendous way! We experienced record turnout in this midterm election because so many passionate citizens like you took to the polls to defend our values and to bring about much-needed change!

Starting January 1, I will be Harris County’s District Clerk, and I thank you for entrusting me with this office. I will work hard every day to maintain your confidence. Please reach out should you require the services of the District Clerk’s office.

I hope you will join me on January 1 for the swearing in ceremony. Please be sure to sign up for my newsletter in order to receive details.

Thank you again for supporting my campaign and casting your vote!




P.O. Box 7235
Houston, TX 77248-7235

For matters related to the office of the Harris County District Clerk, please visit
District Clerk Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 4651
Houston, Texas 77210-4651

Get Involved


Thank you for your interest in contributing to Marilyn’s campaign to become Harris County District Clerk! If you’re ready to move Harris County toward a more fair and efficient judicial system with a candidate like Marilyn Burgess, please consider volunteering for her campaign in one of the following ways:

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Paid Political Ad by Marilyn Burgess Campaign | © 2018. All Rights Reserved
Campaign-Related Correspondence: P.O. Box 7235, Houston, TX 77248-7235
Treasurer: Jennifer Bachand-Halvorson
For matters related to the office of the Harris County District Clerk, please visit

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